Open letter to Elon Musk
Dear Elon Musk:
I am a twitter user who wants to remain anonymous on twitter. My account, opened in 2017, had over 1k followers.
In real life I am an investigative newspaper journalist who is recovering from a serious injury with some time on my hands.
I still wish to remain anonymous here.
On November 28, I filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Comission on behalf of myself and five other accounts being retaliated against for petitioning (you) Elon Musk to investigate user @Cbouzy, a developer who has wildly abused users for years and has apparently used twitter data illegally.
During the week of November 20, 2022 many users were coordinating a time to tweet to (you) Elon Musk using the hashtag #investigatebouzy in an effort to be heard and an investigation conducted into serious violations of twitter’s policies by CBouzy. We included our own words and evidence of our complaints expressed to twitter for months which have been ignored.
We got no reply after 3+ days of tweeting to (you) Elon Musk. By using the hashtag, we were creating a database of complaints for twitter to review once someone noticed.
Then I researched and found three related employee accounts to include in the tweet, Ella Irwin, Nick Pickles and Suhem Parack
On November 27, 2022 I tweeted about adding them and tagged them. Just minutes prior to our coordinated effort —— which had not even happened yet —our six accounts were immediately permanently suspended.
I had previously contacted Irwin and Parack personally several times and got no reply.
In the current April 2022 policy on “platform manipulation and spam” linked in the suspension notice, Twitter expressly allows us to coordinate to seek an investigation into a privacy breach. This text is copied from the twitter rules which bizarrely are not allowed to be screenshotted or linked.
I had tweeted to Ella and Suhem one-on-one previously with no reply, while they were replying to others. Their current positions and small accounts encouraged us that we could finally be heard.
The suspensions were almost timed to ensure our calls for an investigation would be silenced once these three employees were tagged. There was no warning. The six accounts appealed immediately and repeatedly without any response from twitter to date.
@CBouzy bragged about our suspensions minutes later.
Six accounts were suspended, but Bouzy couldn’t fit them all in one tweet.
This timing is suspect since twitter generally takes months to address even a death threat or accounts that encourage sex assaults on minors.
For example, this account was allowed to remain under Ella Irwin after it deleted a tweet about sexually assaulting his young son.
The report took several weeks to be addressed and the account was allowed to remain. Accounts making death threats are allowed to remain if they remove the threat, or even if they don’t remove it.
But calling for an investigation into privacy and harassment by developer CBouzy earned users an immediate lifetime suspension — under your stewardship Elon Musk.
Please note, Twitter has ignored my request for my account history data, so unfortunately, the posts do not all contain the original graphics in some of these screenshots.
Just today, Dec. 12, I received twitter’s response to reports of harassment I made back in September. These tweets I reported got worse without consequences, leading to multiple doxxing attempts of me that twitter also ignored. I had to involve my local police. All this because I wouldn’t write for free for someone’s personal fundraising blog.
Neither of these people are me but these two doxers harassed innocent people as they tried to dox and threaten me. The mensurvivetoo account went so far as to publish the workplace address of the woman he thought was me for people to harass her there at her job. This was all reported, nothing was done.
These are clearly TOS violations but twitter instead focuses on permanently silencing accounts calling for internal investigations about CBouzy.
On Nov. 27, 2022, my suspension notice arrived via email from twitter at 5:37 pm est and by 6:01 pm est Bouzy was bragging about the suspensions, which he does regularly when his targets get suspended. Our coordinated effort had not even occurred; it was scheduled for 6 p.m. est.
Several months ago, when I learned CBouzy had listed me on his website Bot Sentinel as a problematic hate account using twitter's developer agreement, I began looking into him. My account was opened in 2017 and I never exhibited any kind of hate or problematic or disruptive behavior.
I did happen to agree with the jury verdict in DeppvHeard in which the jury awarded punitive damages to Johnny Depp for defamation by Amber Heard.
I did not realize at the time that Heard’s lawyers had retained Bouzy.
Christopher Bouzy aka Iconic Expert, has an extensive history of allegations of blackcoin and Libertycoin pump and dump schemes.
To pump his scheme, I believe Bouzy has been creating fake twitter accounts since at least 2014 via google, likely using old deactivated account ID numbers to evade detection. This method would make twitter read the account as suspended while the zombie account roamed freely and manipulated users. There is eight-year-old evidence of Bouzy’s use of sockpuppets on reddit. Bouzy also had victims’ bank information and reportedly used it to silence complaints.
I suspect there are at least 100,000 or more fake Bouzy acccounts roaming twitter given what I have found. I have offered this evidence to twitter and to you Elon Musk and although you promised the fake accounts were being dealt with, CBouzy’s remain and grew in number.
I have done several threads demonstrating this evidence in my suspended account. This evidence is no longer visible now. Some has been archived however. One is linked here:
I estimate Bouzy has created well over 100,000 fake accounts and his current followers number has grown by at least that much recently. He openly says he is taking twitter users’ private data to create his own twitter.
He is also taking money from his followers as well.
This “Sn” account is one of three following Bouzy’s multiple Iconic Expert twitter accounts.
It’s first pinned tweet is in a foreign language, likely to evade detection.
The 235 followers of Sn are all fake, all created in September 2014.
Each of the fake accounts has hundreds of fake account followers. Bouzy seems to be embedded in twitter.
Court filings reveal Bouzy has an outstanding judgement for back rent;
Bouzy is has been reported to Department of Justice for bankruptcy fraud, since Bouzy apparently failed to list his company Bot Sentinel on documents he filed while he was not paying his rent.
Bouzy is facing two defamation lawsuits, one being pursued by twitter user Attorney Nate Broughty (see link above)
And Bouzy faces a second defamation complaint filed by Jason Goodman that is currently being litigated after Bouzy retained counsel and avoided being served with the complaint.
The response date has passed with no filings by Bouzy per Goodman.
Bouzy is vicious in attacking critics, and says twitter will never take action against him.

Over the years I believe Bouzy has used his fake accounts and/or an insider relationship with twitter to mass report accounts he is paid to silence. He has documented this “gun for hire” contract in "reports" he provides to friendly msm.
Liberal media like Wired, actively hide negative comments about Bouzy in posts of stories calling Bouzy a “cybersecurity expert.”
Bouzy says he has used twitter data to learn real names and addresses of users he targets and releases this and other information to friendly media.
Bouzy has no credentials, no background, works out of his kitchen and 1000s of us have reported him and the privacy breach but twitter always protects him. In desperation, we tried the #investigatebouzy campaign.
I feel among the mess of issues at twitter, this too needs to be investigated as it affects every user, not just the big accounts.
I have filed the FTC Twitter privacy complaint out of sheer frustration since the suspensions appear to be a blatant attempt at a coverup.
Twitter is already operating under a FTC privacy order after twitter demanded users phone numbers for its own gain but said it was used for validation.
This was not twitter’s first privacy violation. In 2010 the FTC settled a complaint it filed against twitter after hackers who twitter employed as contractors took control of high profile accounts, including yours Elon.
Currently, Bouzy is operating under a developer’s agreement where he, as I understand it, has access to user data that the agreement requires him to keep private. However, he publishes it, uses it to harass, threaten, defame, dox and intimidate twitter users he is paid to silence. Twitter’s user privacy policy says that users understand that tweets and interactions are clearly public data and that anything a user reasonably expects to be private is private.
This policy specifically said at one time that user ID numbers were only available to the user, but somehow these numbers have ended up spread all over the internet, including published on Bouzy’s site, Bot Sentinel.
Even as my account is under suspension, CBouzy still lists my account on his hate tracker with my user ID number.
This is where I would logically link to twitter’s privacy policy, however twitter prevents linking to and even screenshots of this policy.
The best I can do is link an archived version captured six months ago. The policy can likely be changed without notice to users so it is difficult to track the changes.
Twitter appeared to address user complaints and Bouzy’s behavior back in August 2022, but Bouzy said twitter backed down without comment. A Sept. 2 deadline came and went and the deactivated accounts twitter demanded to be removed are still publicly listed on Bot Sentinel. I have asked Twitter's former Chief Information Security Officer Lea Kissner for an explanation but got no reply to my tweet.
As of December 12, 2022, the list remains published.
As a person listed as a top five accounts on his hate list, has CBouzy doxxed me to media?
To date, twitter has ignored 100s of reports and complaints about CBouzy made by users through its own system, through API and GDPR complaints, tweets and emails to twitter.
In fact, I believe twitter has been and currently uses CBouzy as a “trusted reporter” with twitter enabling him to suspend accounts.
In one case, Bouzy doxxed a nurse, and her family and used open threats after giving their address out publicly.
Bouzy harassed a user to the point where her health is in jeapordy. “Going through some things” is the phrase Bouzy uses to threaten people before he gloats about ruining livelihoods and twitter accounts.
Here are some questions for you Elon Musk:
Why were six accounts suspended for calling for an investigation into CBouzy?
Does CBouzy have a partnership with Twitter? Is CBouzy a trusted reporter for Twitter? Does Bouzy have the ability to suspend or otherwise silence accounts of those he is paid to silence? What accountability do “trusted reporters” have to twitter? Can they read direct messages? Are they bound to twitter’s privacy and terms of service standards?
Who are these “trusted reporters?” Who are the third parties who moderate content?
Ella Irwin, who was tagged by the suspended accounts, recently touted the “trusted reporter” system she says was approved by you, Elon Musk.
To date the number of accounts Bouzy has targeted to enforce his paid agendas and silence opposition is outrageous. He provides mass block lists to those who use Bot Sentinel to ensure opposition to his agenda is silenced.
Who are CBouzy’s friends at twitter? Bouzy tweeted the resignation of Yoel Roth specifically. Who else is still there protecting Bouzy by suspending users who are reporting privacy violations?
Bouzy continually says he is protected by twitter employees.
Is CBouzy connected to Ella Irwin, Nick Pickles or Surhem Packar who users called on for an investigation and were then suspended? Is he connected to anyone else? If so, who?
No answer was received so the users tried tagging them in with you Elon Musk since the previous week’s tweets to you seemed to get buried in the thousands of replies/tweets you receive. No issues arose for the users using the #investigatebouzy tag when Elon Musk (you) was the only person tagged. The suspensions were almost immediate once Irwin, Pickles and Parack were added.
In Elon Musk’s own tweets defining the rules, it says CONTEXT MATTERS:
“Public impact of the content: A topic of legitimate public interest is different from a topic in which the public may be curious. We will consider what the impact is to citizens if they do not know about this content. If the Tweet does have the potential to impact the lives of large numbers of people, the running of a country, and/or it speaks to an important societal issue then we may allow the the content to remain on the service. Likewise, if the impact on the public is minimal we will most likely remove content in violation of our policies.”
Bouzy has targeted me six times now, including his hate list and problematic rating urging his followers to mass block me and thousands of others to push the agenda he is paid to push. He has openly encouraged other users to harass me.
Bouzy is manipulating the platform. Someone at twitter knows this and continues to protect him. Retaliating against users asking for an investigation into privacy violations won't sit well with the FTC.
I am willing to provide any information I have/know to assist you.
This doxxing, harassment, silencing, listing, reporting, fake accounts, must end now.
Asking people to provide bank info when Bouzy is inside twitter's data system is risky at best. Twitter data is not secure.
One of his many targets did a video on Bouzy doxing her and her child and threatening them with gun violence. Twitter protected Bouzy always.
Since I and many others have begun looking into Bouzy, others have now caught on and one popular account, @NatetheLawyer, a former prosecutor and police officer, is suing Bouzy for the defamation Bouzy repeatedly made on twitter. These tweets by CBouzy were reported 100s of times without consequence to Bouzy.
What at this point are users supposed to do to protect themselves as twitter enables this abuse and coverup?
There is much more to say about Bouzy, but twitter ignoring 1000s of reports and now taking retaliation against at least SIX users calling for an investigation is very very serious.
I can be contacted via my suspended account once it and every account targeted by Bouzy is restored. Otherwise, I will continue to pursue this via federal and state agencies and by speaking out on other social media until this is addressed.
Thank you.
*Since this was posted more documents in GoodmanvBouzy have been filed.
Update 2: Twitter's answer to a Better Business Bureau Complaint asking for an investigation of Bouzy and accounts restored:
December 14, 2022
We’re writing to let you know that your account has been permanently suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of our rules.
Replies to this email will not be reviewed as this decision will not be reversed.